Monday, September 8, 2008

somebody got a new bike...

Now, if someone could help me out with a new leg, I'll be all set!!! My teammate I was borrowing a bike from after the theft of mine, decided to buy a new really nice bike (similar to the one I've been looking at.) Consequently, she is ready to get rid of the one she's been loaning me and offered it to me dirt cheap! WOOHOO! I still want to buy the super nice one I've been looking at-- but now I have something to ride in the meantime, and a spare bike for after!

I also talked to James a little bit yesterday. His father in law rides and rode a double century this weekend and he and Taylor got to serve as his pit crew. James has now caught the bug and is ready to start cycling as well. We plan on doing the same double next year. It's called LOTOJA and covers 206 miles, and 10,000 ft of climbing between Logan, Ut and Jackson Hole, Wy. I can't wait!

I'm actually going to do a few doubles next year (my leg permitting). I want to do STP (Seattle to Portland), LOTOJA (Logan to Jackson Hole) and probably the Solvang double.I'm stoked that James wants to ride because I know he'll enjoy it, and it'll be a blast to be able to ride some centuries with him!


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